Wednesday, August 1, 2012

3rd times the charm?

Much to my surprise, 33 days after my chemical pregnancy I decided to take a test. And low and behold, it was positive! I was completely shocked, I didn't expect it to happen so soon after the CP. The next morning, tested again and got another faint but positive test, so soemthing inside of me told me to use my digital. I was totally expecting to read "Not Pregnant" because the line was so faint but this is what I got:

I was so excited/scared/nervous, and basically any emotion you can feel. I called the doctor and started beta draws to monitor my hcg. Friday's levels (at about 10 or 11 dpo- the same day I got this positive on the digi) came back at 10.4! NO clue how the digital was positive with levels that low!

I got repeate bloodwork on Sunday and the lab tech gave me a number to call that night to get my number so I didn't have to wait for the doctor the following day. I called and they said it was at 29.8! It has more than doubled, I was so relieved!

Tuesday was my last blood draw, levels came back at 79.8! So they are headed in the right direction, now I just have to have faith and hope in myself and God that they will continue to rise like they should. I have an ultrasound scheduled for August 14, less than 2 weeks, I think I can make it! I will be 6-7 weeks so I am hoping to see a heartbeat. I have slowly started telling family and friends but if all goes well at the ultrasound, I know I will not be able to contain my excitement!!
 Please stick, little bean!!

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